The transport sector is currently responsible for a whopping 33% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, more than half of which is due to the use of private cars. It’s crucial that we start to rethink our modes of transportation—that’s right, going electric.
Many companies are already committing to change, increasing their share of electric cars in their personal fleets. While this shift is important, it doesn’t come without significant challenges.
- For employees, using an electric vehicle can be a hassle on a daily basis, due to a lack of charging stations, and little interoperability between stations and shared infrastructure.
- For management, reimbursing staff travel expenses for electrically-powered vehicles poses another new challenge.
This is where Blockchain technology makes its entrance...
As a pilot project for the ecological transition of the Pays de la Loire region in western France Mobilichain has already been implemented by several key players, particularly in the energy industry, such as Enedis, EDF, SYDELA and even the Nantes Metropolis itself.
To make even better use of the platform, PALO IT was brought into the fold to build Blockchain functionality into the technology, approaching the project with three distinct goals in mind.
- Facilitate the management of professional expenses when recharging electric company vehicles.
- Estimate both the charging costs and avoided CO2 emissions of professional fleets.
- Use a consortium Blockchain at the service of several different actors.

PALO IT supported the Mobilichain project on behalf of both EDF and Enedis, and in partnership with Emblock. The results marked an exciting new chapter for Mobilichain and green mobility in France, including:
- Development of back-end applications to monitor electricity consumption
- The implementation of the Mobilichain website
- Mobile app development and the deployment of Blockchain technology for the benefit of all key stakeholders